Video Game Devices

“Step-by-Step Guide: How to Share Games on Steam”

Salutations, fellow players! One of the many pleasures that Steam gives is the ability to share your library of games with friends and family. Through shared adventures, the platform not only improves your game experience but also fosters relationships. We’ll go over how to share games on Steam in detail in this comprehensive guide so you can take full advantage of this wonderful feature. Let’s explore the world of online gaming friendship!

What is Steam Family Library Sharing?

It’s important to know what Family Library Sharing means before we start the sharing process. Users of Steam can share their game collections across up to five accounts and 10 separate devices thanks to this feature. It’s a genius method to share your games with others without jeopardizing the security of your personal account. Family library sharing is the best option, whether you’re showing off your beloved role-playing game to a friend or allowing a sibling to play the newest independent release!

Step 1: Activating Family Library Sharing on Steam

The first and foremost step in this process is to enable Family Library Sharing. Here’s how to get started:

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Launch the Steam Client: Open the Steam application on your PC. Ensure you’re logged into your account.

  2. Access the Steam Menu: In the upper left corner of the screen, click on the “Steam” option. A dropdown menu will appear.

  3. Open Settings: From this menu, select “Settings.” This will open the settings dialog, where you can adjust various options.

  4. Navigate to the Family Tab: In the Settings window, locate the “Family” tab. This section is dedicated to managing your sharing options.

  5. Authorize Sharing: Find the checkbox that reads “Authorize Library Sharing on this computer.” Ensure this is selected to activate the feature.

  6. Save Changes: After making your selections, click “OK” to save your modifications.

Why Enable Family Library Sharing?

Turning on the Family Library Not only does sharing facilitate the sharing of your favorite games, but it also strengthens the social component of gaming. It expands friends’ and family’s gaming horizons by letting them check out games they might not have bought themselves.

Step 2: Granting Access to Trusted Users

After enabling Family Library Sharing, it’s time to grant access to specific users. Here’s how you can do that:

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Return to the Steam App: Navigate back to the Steam interface and click on the “Steam” option once more.

  2. Access Settings Again: Select “Settings” from the menu again to return to the settings dialog.

  3. Open the Family Tab: Go back to the “Family” section within the Settings dialog.

  4. Manage Computers: Click on the “Manage other computers…” button. This action allows you to view the devices that are authorized to access your library.

  5. Authorize Users: You’ll see a list of approved users. Click the “Authorize Library Sharing” button next to the name of the user you wish to share with.

  6. Enter Credentials: Steam will prompt you to input the user’s email address or Steam login. Fill in the required fields and click “OK.”

Important Considerations

It’s crucial to authorize users you can really trust. Recall that sharing your library allows other people to play your games even while you’re not online. As a result, exercising some caution is crucial.

Step 3: Accessing Shared Games

Once access is granted, your trusted user can begin exploring your game library. Here’s how they can do it:

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Launch Steam: The authorized user needs to open the Steam client on their PC.

  2. Log In: They should log in using their own Steam account credentials. This ensures they’re accessing the library under the correct account.

  3. Navigate to Library: In the top left corner, they’ll find a drop-down menu. After clicking it, they should select “Library.”

  4. Discover Shared Games: Within the “Library” section, they’ll discover a list of games available for play, clearly marked as part of your shared collection.

  5. Play: By selecting any shared game, they can hit the “Play” button and begin their gaming adventure.

What Happens When a Shared Game is Played?

It’s important for users to realize that only one person can play a shared game at a time when they access one. The authorized user will be prompted to either purchase the game or end the session if the original owner chooses to play.

Step 4: Troubleshooting Common Issues

Although it’s rather simple to share games on Steam, there are a few things that users could run into. The following are typical issues and how to fix them:

Common Issues and Solutions:

  1. Error Messages When Authorizing Users: If you encounter errors while trying to authorize users, ensure they are logged into their Steam account on the same computer.

  2. Shared Games Not Appearing: If authorized users can’t see shared games, confirm that they’ve logged into their account and that Family Library Sharing is enabled on your device.

  3. Connection Problems: Occasionally, connectivity issues can affect access. Ensure that both users have stable internet connections.


A thrilling way to have shared experiences with friends and family and spread the passion of gaming is to share games on Steam. You can quickly enable Family Library Sharing, approve trusted users, and begin sharing your game library without any problems by following the simple instructions provided in this article.

Our goal at GadgetsInNeed is to make gaming more enjoyable for you. Check out our website for more enlightening reviews, tips, and methods to improve your gaming setup. Jump in, spread the joy, and watch the gaming experiences happen!

Additional Tips for Successful Game Sharing

  1. Stay Updated: Ensure that both you and the authorized users have the latest version of the Steam client installed. This will help avoid compatibility issues.

  2. Communicate: Establish clear communication with your shared users. Let them know when you’re planning to play so they can manage their gaming time accordingly.

  3. Explore Together: Consider scheduling gaming sessions where you can play shared titles together. This not only makes the experience more enjoyable but also helps you bond over your favorite games.

  4. Monitor Your Library: Keep an eye on your library and check for any new titles you might want to share. Steam frequently adds new games, and sharing the latest releases can be a treat for everyone involved.

  5. Use Family Settings: If you’re sharing with younger users, make use of Steam’s family settings to ensure a safe gaming environment. You can restrict access to mature titles or set playtime limits.

FAQs about Sharing Games on Steam

1. Can I share my games with anyone?

No, you can only share your games with up to five accounts on ten different devices that you authorize. It’s recommended to share with trusted friends and family.

2. What happens if the owner starts playing a shared game?

If the original owner begins to play a shared game, the authorized user will receive a notification and must either purchase the game or exit the game session.

3. Is there a limit to the number of games I can share?

There’s no specific limit to the number of games you can share; however, you can only share with up to five authorized users on ten devices.

4. Do shared users earn achievements in my games?

Yes, shared users can earn achievements while playing the shared games on their accounts. However, these achievements are recorded under their profile, not yours.

5. Can I revoke access to a user?

Absolutely! You can revoke access at any time through the Family settings in Steam. Just go back to the “Manage other computers…” section and adjust user permissions.

By following this guide, you’ll not only learn how to share games on Steam but also create an enjoyable gaming community around you. Happy gaming!

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