
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best CGM Device

Diabetes care has never been easier thanks to these continuous glucose monitoring results that are available in real time. These gadgets offer countless benefits to diabetics by providing a variety of insights that may be useful in controlling blood sugar levels. Here, we’ll cover nearly every top-rated CGM gadget that will be on the market in 2024, along with all of its features and advantages, and advice on how to pick the right one for your needs.

What is a CGM device?

A continuous glucose monitor is a gadget that uses a sensor placed just beneath the skin to continuously monitor the body’s glucose levels. Data is subsequently transmitted back to a monitor or smartphone. People may see their blood sugar levels in real time with this information, which helps them recognize patterns better. Because it offers ongoing insight into preventing hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, it is therefore far more advantageous than conventional finger-prick testing.

Why go for a CGM device?

There are numerous effects associated with blood sugar monitoring via a CGM.

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Always stay on top of managing your diabetes.
  • Deep Data Insights: Extensive data makes it possible to comprehend how diet, exercise, and medications affect blood glucose levels.
  • Increasing Life Quality: No more precise and agonizing finger pricks as needed so often.
  • Alarms and Alerts: For increased safety, the user is cautioned against high or low glucose levels.

Best CGM Devices to Expect in 2024

1. Dexcom G6

In terms of CGM devices, the Dexcom G6 is among the most widely used models. It has several characteristics that make it very efficient and easy to use.

  • Accuracy: Fingerstick calibration is not necessary for the G6 sensor to yield remarkably accurate results.
  • Usability: It is simple to use and has a 10-day shelf life.
  • Integration: The gadget provides real-time data and warnings by integrating with smartwatches and cellphones.
  • Alerts: Personalized alerts for elevated and decreased blood sugar levels.
  • FDA Approved: Suitable for youngsters two years of age and up, this is a flexible option for families.

2. Freestyle Libre 2

Of the primary CGM handheld devices, the Abbott Freestyle Libre 2 is the second most cost-effective and simple to use.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Compared to many other CGM systems, it is less expensive.
  • 14-Day Sensor: By lasting up to 14 days each, these sensors lower the need for replacements.
  • Optional Alerts: Users have the option to set alerts for both high and low blood sugar.
  • Simple Scanning: Using a reader or smartphone, a rapid scan can be used to determine blood glucose levels.

3. Medtronic Guardian Connect

For the tech-savvy user, Medtronic Guardian Connect offers additional functions like:

  • Predictive Alerts: Notifies the user of impending high or low blood sugar events up to one hour in advance.
  • Comprehensive Reports: Provides comprehensive reports and trends on glucose.
  • Smartphone Integration: Users can view data conveniently via a smartphone app.
  • Calibration: Requires fingerstick calibration, which may not be to everyone’s taste.

4. Eversense CGM System

Eversense uses their durable CGM sensor in a slightly different way:

  • Ninety-Day Sensor: The Eversense sensor requires fewer sensor insertions because it lasts for up to ninety days.
  • Vibration Alerts: Alerts users via vibrations when their blood sugar levels are high or low.
  • Accuracy: Reputable for being accurate and dependable.
  • Implantable Sensor: A medical practitioner implants the sensor beneath the skin.

How to Choose the Correct CGM Device

The following criteria should be taken into account when selecting a continuous glucose monitoring device in order to determine which one best meets your needs.

1. Accuracy

When picking up a continuous glucose monitor, accuracy is crucial. Seek for equipment with accurate clinical proof. Both the Freestyle Libre 2 and the Dexcom G6 have extremely good accuracy.

2. Ease of Use

Take note of how simple it is to install the sensor, read the data, and incorporate it into your regular activities. Some of the gadgets with extremely high user-friendliness ratings include the Dexcom G6 and the Freestyle Libre 2.

3. Integration and compatibility

To ensure quick access to the data, make sure it is integrated with your smartwatch or smartphone. The majority of contemporary CGM-enabled devices come with apps that sync the data to your mobile devices, providing you with warnings and insights in real time.

4. Alerts and Notifications

Alerts that you may customize for high and low glucose levels could save your life. Choose a gadget that can assist you in better managing your diabetes if it has these features.

5. Sensory Life

Think of the sensor’s lifespan as well. The longer it is, the less hassle and less often the sensor needs to be changed. The Eversense CGM System, a 90-day sensor, leads this category.

6. Cost

CGM devices are expensive, so it’s important to know how much everything will cost in total, including the sensors and other accessories. Freestyle Libre 2 claims to be more feature-rich without necessarily being more economical.

7. Insurance Coverage

Verify whether the cost of a CGM and its related accessories would be covered by insurance. Certain devices, such as the Dexcom G6, are more likely more likely to be reimbursed by insurance.

Advantages of Using a CGM Device

Using a CGM gadget can greatly enhance both overall health and diabetes control. The following factors are to blame for this:

  • Better Glucose Control: It is possible to keep glucose levels within the target range with regular supervision.
  • Less Complications: When diabetes is effectively managed, the likelihood of complications is decreased.
  • Better Lifestyle: Less finger pricking and greater freedom from constraints on one’s way of living.
  • Informed Choices: Insights derived from data to help with medication, exercise, and food decisions.

In summary

Getting the right CGM gadget is just the first step in managing diabetes well. With features that vary to meet different needs and tastes, the devices range from the Dexcom G6 to the Freestyle Libre 2, Medtronic Guardian Connect, and Eversense CGM System. You may select the best device by evaluating its accuracy, usability, integration, alerts, sensor life, cost, and insurance coverage. This will help you ensure that you have the best possible device that can optimize its potential to enhance your diabetes management and guarantee an improved quality of life.

Consult your healthcare practitioner and look for further details and the greatest deals on CGM devices on reputable health websites. One truly worthwhile investment is a decent CGM gadget.


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